Mr. Jeremiah Joel KabiSsa



Academic Qualifications, Work and Experiences

Jeremiah Joe Kabissa is a working for Tanzania Agriculture Institute under the capacity of Agriculture Researcher as an expert in area of applied entomology research, he is doing research on insect’s pest of sugarcane, roots and tubers crops.

Prior to this Kabissa worked for IITA-Tanzania under African Cassava Agronomy Initiatives (ACAI) Project in Lake, Eastern and Southern zone, he also worked for Tanzania Cotton board under the capacity of Assistant Cotton inspector at Kwimba (2008-2009) in Shy & Kishapu Districts(2010-2012), senior cotton inspector at Misungwi and Meaetu Districts (2013-2015).

Professionally he is an Entomologist (Applied entomology),Kabissa hold BSc Agricultural General (2007) and MSc Crop Science (Applied Entomology) both from Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro Tanzania.

Kabissa is zealous in helping smallholders farmers in Tanzania and sub Saharan Africa at large in improving their livelihood through entomological intervention in IPM context to improve smallholder farmers food sufficiency, food security, reducing hunger, alleviation of poverty viscous cycle, income inequality at the same time helps youth and disadvantageous groups access to descent agricultural practices