The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute

TARI Maruku

TARI Maruku collaborates with TARI Uyole to conduct research on common beans and TARI Ukiriguru on roots and tubers

Common beans 

Research of common beans is conducted in collaboration with other TARI research centers (TARI Uyole and TARI Selian), regional and international collaborators/partners are doing several kinds of research for developing new common beans varieties that are tolerance to biotic (including angular leaf spot disease) and abiotic stresses, releasing and promotion of improved bean varieties. It is also engaged in production of breeder and basic seeds of different improved common bean varieties and supporting individual farmers, farmers’ group, and other stakeholders in the production of certified seeds and quality declared seeds (QDS) by giving training and technical backstopping in collaboration with other partners.



The common beans collaborative research aims at enhancing the production, value, and nutritional quality of common beans cultivated within and outside the region for reducing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition while improving the sustainability of the community livelihood through the use of improved bean varieties

Activities conducted are;

1. Evaluation of different common beans varieties/landraces for high yielding and resistant/tolerant varieties to insect pests and diseases

  • Field evaluation trials of the best parent of good cooking time and improved nutritional quality, from the African country, for yield performance and adaptability
  • Evaluation and screening of common beans trials of the Eastern and Central African Bean Yield trial (ECABYT) evaluated for Yield performances and adaptability

2. Developing various technologies, for instance, fertilizer and plant population recommendations for improved bean varieties

3. Conducting demand-led breeding of new varieties

4. Seed multiplication

5. Conducting consultations and training on improved common beans production

Roots and tubers

The crops under roots and tubers are cassava and sweet potato. The aim of the sub-program is to improve the targeted crops on various aspects including: Breeding, agronomic practices, pests and disease management, seed system, soil healthy and fertilizer use, post-harvest handling and utilization. Training of farmers and other stakeholders on new technologies developed by the sub-program is among the key activities implemented in the program. Training offered covers principles of good agronomic practices (GAP) of the target crops, pests and diseases identification and management aspects, planting materials multiplication and dissemination techniques, processing and products development and other issues related to targeted crops improvement along the value chain. On regular basis, roots and tubers collaborative research conduct field surveys to get update on the situation of pests and disease in farmers’ fields in order to improve its research strategies to address farmers’ production situation. The generated knowledge is presented in the various exploitable forms in order to reach various end-users in both electronic and hard copies. These include leaflets, burners, TV & Radio programs, brochures, special cards, training manuals, posters, published papers e.t.c. The program implements its activities in collaboration with other researchers from both national and international research institution.