Directorate provide expertise and services on administration and human resources
management issues such as recruitment, human resource development and training,
promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and
welfare. The Directorate has two sections which are:
- Administration; Interpret and ensure adherence to staff regulations, Standing Orders and other Labour laws; provide registry, messengerial, courier services and office records management; facilitate employee’s relations, welfare (health, sports and culture; handle all protocols; coordinate implementation of Wage Bill for the Institute; coordinate implementation of Business process Improvement and Client Service Charter; coordinate implementation of ethics, value promotion activities, prevention of corrupt practices, diversity issues and private sector participation.
- Human Resources Management; coordinate staff recruitments, selections, placements, confirmations, promotions and transfers for the institute; carryout human resources planning to determine supply and demand for professionals; coordinate implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS), assess the appraisal results; prepare implementation reports; assessment of professional requirements and develop, implement staff development plans;