Planning Monitoring and Evaluation
The unit is responsible for coordinating preparations, implementations, monitoring and evaluations of plans and budgets of the Institute; coordinate preparations of Budget Speeches and Annual economic reports; carry out self-assessment and service delivery surveys; prepare periodical performance assessment reports; and integration of Institute plans and budgets into the Government budgeting processes.
Finance and Accounts
The units provide expertise on financial management and book-keeping services for the Institute by preparing various payments including salaries and statutory deductions; collection of revenues; prepare financial reports and other financial statements; and coordinate audit responses.
Internal Audit
The unit functions are to provide advisory services on proper management of resources through review and report on proper conformity with financial and operational procedures laid down in the Institute Financial regulation, any legislation or any or instructions for control over the expenditures; prepare and implement strategic audit plans; and conduct performance audits on appraisal of development projects.
Procurement Management
The Unit’s is responsible for providing expertise and services in procurement, storage and supply of goods and services for the Institute by providing advise to the Management; monitoring adherence to procurement process and procedures according to the Public Procurement Act; develop annual procurement plans; procure, maintain and manage supplies, materials and services to support the logistical requirement of the Institute.
ICT and Statistics
The unit provide advice and expertise on development and use of Information and communication technology to effectively deliver services and statistics analysis by implementing ICT and e-Government policy; support in development and maintenance of software solutions to the Institute; support on procurement of ICT software and hardware; and establish and coordinate use of Electronic mail communication on LAN and WAN; and undertake studies and propose areas of ICT application as an instrument to improve service delivery to the Institute.
Legal Services
This unit provide expertise and services through interpretation of laws, terms of contract, agreements, contract guarantees, letters of undertaking, Memorandum of Understanding, consultancy agreements; provide inputs in the preparation of proposed bills/acts, subsidiary legislation (regulation, rules, orders, etc) and liaise with the Ministry and Chief Government Draftsman and Attorney General’s Chambers; and prosecute and make follow up of cases in Courts of Law and courts decision, maintain database on courts decisions and ensure safe custody.