The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute

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  • Technology Transfer and Partnerships

Scaling up/out and dissemination of agricultural technologies, innovations and good agricultural practices to farmers and other stakeholders is central to TARI. This is geared towards  ensuring wide adoptability and utilizations of research outputs for increasing agricultural production, productivity and farmers’ incomes. The Directorate has two sections which are:

  • Technology Dissemination, Commercialization and Partnership; facilitate transfer of appropriate agricultural technologies, innovation, good management practices to stakeholders; coordinate collection, documentation and dissemination of information on agricultural research technologies among researchers     and other stakeholders; coordinate, support and oversee implementation of agricultural shows, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, symposia and study tours; facilitate centres to commercialize technologies and innovations; prepare Memorandum of understandings to establish and strengthen partnerships with national, regional and international partners.
  • Knowledge Management and Communication; document and disseminate agricultural technologies; re-package and upscale technologies for wide application; identify mechanism/strategies/approaches for improving communication efficiency; establish and maintain database databases on scientific knowledge and adopted technologies; prepare research tools/ approaches for identification of research opportunities and monitor their utilization; and develop and execute communication strategies to general public including print, audio, visual, press conference and other electronic media.