Center Director, TARI Ukiriguru. Senior Research officer and National Coordinator of Cotton Research Program.
Coordinator of Research and Innovation (CRI)Coordinator, TARI Ukiriguru. Deputy National Coordinator for Roots and Tuber Research Program. Principal
Senior Entomologist and Head of Knowledge Management and Communication at TARI, Ukiriguru Centre.
Research Officer working under roots and tuber section
Senior Researcher specialized in plant protection (Entomology/Pathology)
Head of natural resource management and agricultural engineering section. Principal Agricultural Field Officer at TARI Ukiriguru
Research officer, working under Natural resource management and agricultural engireering section
Agricultural research officer, Working under technology transfer and partnership.
Research officer, working under Natural resource management and agricultural engireering section
Principle Agricultural Field Officer, Working under cotton breeding section
Senior Research Officer and Coordinator of postharvest
Head of security guard section
Agricultural Officer, working under techology transer and partners.
Agricultural Research Officer, Working under Roots and tuber.
Assistant Research Officer, Working under cotton breeding section.
Senior technician Officer.
Head Cotton Agronomy Section at TARI – Ukiriguru.
Researcher assistant working under roots and tuber section.
Civil and Irrigation Engineer Head of Agricultural Engineering Section at TARI, Ukiriguru
Assistant research officer working under cotton agronomy.
Assistant research officer working under cotton breeding section
Agricultural field officer, working under cotton entomology section.
Research Officer, Working under Roots and tuber section.
Agricultural field officer, working under cotton pathology
Research Officer, Working under Roots and tuber section.
Agricultural Field officer
Record Management Assistant.
Assistant Research Officer working under cotton entomology specialized in Horticultural crops.
Research assistant(RA), Co researcher on the fall armyworm (FAW) – IPM and Upscale maize project. Her working experience is ten years in Agricultural
Research Officer, woorking under Roots and tuber sub - program
Research Officer, working under technology transfer and partnership.
Research Officer,s charged with conducting research on legume crops variety development.
Senior Research Officer. Pant breeder
Senior Research Officer. Food Scientist
Assistant Research Officer.
Public Relations Officer II
Agriculture Officer II, Under Technology Transfer and Partinership